1. ADOPTION DATABASE REGISTRY Entries in this Registry are easily retrieved by search engines, allowing the highest exposure possible to the Public. The Adoption Database Registry has recorded over 7,000 FINDS. Should an inquiry be made on your registration, you will be notified by the contact information provided. It is very important to update your contact information, if it should ever change. To add your search, click the REGISTER button on left menu.
ID OR PASSWORD ARE NOT REQUIRED to view or search our Registry.
The login is for Administrators only.
Search our Adoption Registry
Once you are at the main page of the Registry, look for the Magnifying Glass symbol on the upper right which is the search button. A box will open and you can search by DOB (8 digit format - mm/dd/yyyy), birth name, maiden name, or city, state (ie - Columbus, OH) and it will produce a list of all registrations that contain the criteria you searched for.
Registration Fee is $10
*IMPORTANT - if the $10 registration fee is NOT paid, your registration will NOT be added to our Adoption Registry.
We are now having to charge $10 to cover the additional expense to locate Registrants who fail to update their contact information when they move or their email address or phone numbers change.
2. ADOPTION DATABASE SEARCH & SUPPORT GROUP As you register your adoption search, you have the option of joining our search & support group. This adoption group is moderated and all members are required to complete a registration form in order to join. If you choose to join us, you may elect to receive individual email or a daily digest (1 email per day) or read messages online at our Group site from other members and numerous search angels who offer their assistance and support.
3. NO FIND NO FEE DEDICATED SEARCH The Adoption Database also offers a No Find No Fee Dedicated Search for those who are at a standstill in their search or cannot dedicate the time required to search on their own. There is a $25 Enrollment Fee to sign up for this type of search. You only pay our low flat fee of $175 after the subject or immediate family member is located. Although we cannot guarantee a find, our hard work and dedication has resulted in thousands of reunions (many who had very little information) as you will see by visiting our many finds in our Adoption Registry. Sign up for a No Find No Fee Dedicated Search.
Dying Adoptee finds his birthmother (VIDEO)
by Mark Holmberg of CBS 6 in Richmond, VA (Reporter for WTVR News ) - July 22, 2011
Video update of Kenny Malpass, a 45 yr old adoptee with limited life expectancy finds his birthmother after WTVR ran Kenny's plight to find his beginnings. Kenny has stage 4 lung cancer.
Kenny, a dying Adoptee finds his birthmother
Talona & Scott meet for the first time in 49 years A Madera mother and son meet for the first time in 49 years at Fresno Airport. We reunited them over the phone on April 24, 2017, but they couldn't wait to meet face to face so 14 days later Scott flew to meet his mother and family. ABC KFSN-TV Channel 30 in Fresno covered their reunion in this local news video.
Message from grateful adoptee
Steve leaves an emotional voicemail after his birthmother called him.
Thank you message from recently reunited birthmother
Although reluctant to have contact at first, this birthmother told her husband and children about the daughter she had relinquished as she carried her pain inside for too long. Her family was so supportive and they ended up having a wonderful reunion.
Thanks to your No Find No Fee Program
A birth uncle is reunited with his deceased sisters child.
held at DOWNTOWN DISNEY In Anaheim, CA
A picture says it all - Father & Son's first hug as they meet for the first time at our dinner!! Oscar & Joe finally together at last. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire place! Even our waitress was crying.
View our Adoption Database Disney Dinner Photo Album
Adoption Database No Find No Fee reunites 75 yr old adoptee with his 82 yr old brother
Read all about "Grandpa Don's" 14 yr long search, how the secrecy of his adoption almost cost him his marriage and the final chapter of "Mystery Solved".
We cannot go back and create a new beginning,
but we can all begin today to create a new ending.
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